The kid coughed. In that way people only ever do to get your attention. Such a British idea. That interrupting someone is somehow less intrusive if you pretend you’re not doing it.
“Your car. It’s waiting, Sir.”
Nobody called me Sir, back then. I was starting to like the sound of it.
My grandmother was a witch. We did not see eye to eye.While my peers were raking leaves and scrubbing stoves for their pocket money, I was picking gypsy-flower, collecting slow worms, and chasing crows from rafters.
The kid coughed. In that way people only ever do to get your attention. Such a British idea. That interrupting someone is somehow less intrusive if you pretend you’re not doing it.
“Your car. It’s waiting, Sir.”
Nobody called me Sir, back then. I was starting to like the sound of it.